I’m Planning to Divorce an Addict: What Should I Know?

divorce attorneysIt goes without saying that divorce is one of the toughest times in most people’s lives. However, things are significantly complicated when one of the spouses is an addict. Addiction comes in many forms and can include alcohol, drugs, gambling, sexual behaviors, and more.

Addiction impacts everyone involved, not just the addict. This can make it especially difficult for someone to take the first concrete step towards leaving the marriage. For today’s post, we’re exploring the unique challenges faced by those trying to get a divorce from a spouse struggling with an addiction.

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Child Custody FAQs: What are Emergency Screenings?

family law attorneyIn California, a parent might be summoned to the family law courts for an emergency screening. This means that the courts have a reason to believe an immediate emergency exists involving a child, one that threatens his/her health or welfare. Thus, they want to conduct a quick investigation and make any court orders appropriate to the situation.

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What is an Ex Parte Court Motion?

family law attorneysIn California, it’s possible for someone to request an emergency court hearing or order. This is known as an ex parte motion, and is only reserved for situations that justify urgency. If granted, the judge then executes an ex parte order

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