Benefits of a Collaborative Divorce

Divorce divorce lawyersresolutions usually come about via two primary routes: mediation or litigation. Each of these legal venues carries its own benefits and downsides, but what many people don’t consider is the fact that there is a third option: collaborative divorce.

Collaborative divorce is not entirely unlike mediation, but the key difference here is that collaborative divorce involves two mutually-respectful parties who are looking to work with one another to come to a favorable resolution. In contrast, mediation can be regarded as more of a compromise between two feuding individuals who wish to avoid litigation.

There are lots of benefits to collaborative divorce, and while we understand that it is not always a realistic option for everybody, we still think it is worth exploring the pros of this increasingly-popular option. Remember, for more detailed information, you can always reach out to us at R&S Law Group, LLP.

Collaborative Divorce Means No Court Hearings or Litigation

The most obvious benefit of collaborative divorce is that it helps both parties avoid court, as the premise is based on mutual agreements. This allows individuals to foster a productive relationship with an ex-spouse in order to arrive at a conflict-free resolution, not to mention the time and money that is saved by keeping mediation or litigation out of the picture.

Collaborative Divorce is a Joint Effort

Along the same lines, collaborative divorce leads to a shared effort where both parties, as well as other relevant individuals such as legal counsel, work together rather than against each other. This means that information is easily shared across the group, all steps that are taken are always designed to cater to everyone, and discussions are simply more effective than in traditional divorce proceedings.

Collaborative Divorce Leads to Win-Win Resolutions

As both parties are working together, this means everyone is working towards a win-win situation that protects the interests of everyone. Compromises that are reached via mediation or litigation always lead to a solution where either one spouse wins, or one where neither spouse is entirely satisfied with the conclusion. In contrast, collaborative divorce enables parties to reach win-win resolutions that are focused on the future and allows each spouse to maintain a mutually-beneficial relationship with one another.

This is why we at R&S Law Group always advocate for collaborative divorce when the option is available. That said, we are more than happy to assist you with mediation and litigation if your case calls for either, as well as any other family law matters in California.

To speak with a qualified family law attorney today, be sure to reach out to us at the R&S Law Group, LLP.