Leveraging Supervised Exchanges in Your CA Divorce

divorce lawyersLike most parents, the CA family law courts always prioritize ensuring the safety and well-being of children. This is one of the biggest tenets in family law in CA, which means that there are various options and mechanisms in place to help keep families safe during the divorce process and after once the dust has been settled. 

Keeping that in mind, another important tenet in CA family law is the continued involvement of both parents in the child’s life. For parents who are concerned about their children being exposed to any threats or risks while spending time with the other parent, this can cause a conflict. Fortunately, there are mechanisms for this type of scenario, with the biggest one being supervised visitation. 

Reasons that Could Justify Supervised Visitation in CA

At the end of the day, the child’s safety is crucial and the family law courts understand that this shouldn’t be compromised on. This is where supervised visitation comes into play. 

As the name implies, supervised visitation involves a neutral third party being present during any visitation appointments. In cases where the court feels that there’s a need to safeguard the child during visitation, they may mandate that supervised visitation is implemented. This can also be requested by a parent and approved by the courts under specific circumstances. These include: 

  • Any history or evidence of physical or emotional abuse or neglect 
  • Any history or evidence of substance abuse 
  • Evidence of mental illness or any physical/mental issue that interferes with parental duties
  • Potential risk of kidnapping or abduction
  • An established pattern of neglect


Supervised visitation isn’t just for when a parent can pose a potential direct thread to the safety and well-being of a child. It is also a useful tool when an estranged parent is looking to get reacquainted with a child. 

How Does Supervised Visitation Work in CA

Once the court orders supervised visitation, this means that the child must be accompanied by a neutral third party during all future visits. This third party is typically a trained professional such as a social worker or trained facilitator. That said, the courts may also approve a close relative or family member to take the role of neutral third party as long as they meet a set of basic requirements, In short, the candidate must have a clean criminal record above all else. 

Talk to a Family Law Attorney Today

At R & S Law Group, LLP, we handle any and all matters involving family law in CA, including custody issues, visitation, and the divorce process in CA. Our expert attorneys are standing by to offer their guidance, and you can learn more about what we do by scheduling a free initial consultation. 

Give us a call at (949) 825-524 today and schedule an appointment with our trusted CA family law attorneys today!