Fear Of Leaving: Reasons Why A Domestic Violence Victim Will Often Stay In An Abusive Relationship

divorce lawyersIntimate partner violence has affected more than 38 million women during the course of their lifetimes, but many are too afraid to tell anyone or leave their partner. Many things contribute to a person’s fear of leaving their abusive relationship, and it’s important to understand those reasons before attempting to ameliorate the problem. Here are some of the reasons that a domestic violence victim may not leave an abuser:

    • Isolation: Abusers often cut off their victims’ abilities to communicate with friends, family, community support, and even online resources. This control mechanism is effective in making the victims believe that they have no one to turn to for help if they should find the chance.
    • Children: Often victims of domestic violence fear for the safety of their children. In many cases, abusers are still rewarded joint custody of their children following divorce.
    • Finance: If the abusive partner is the sole or primary source of income for the family, a victim may find it difficult to leave the household. If the victim’s credit has been destroyed or if the couple has a joint bank account, starting over financially may not be feasible.
    • Hope: Many have faith that their abusive partner will change. Whether the onset of abusive behaviors has been sudden or if the behaviors have been ongoing, many hope that they can change their partner or that they will change themselves, allowing them to stay indefinitely.
  • Failure in the criminal justice system: Too many domestic violence survivors, even after seeking the family law advice of trusted divorce attorneys, fear being re-victimized in court if they choose to press charges. Others fear that the courts will not believe their side of the story, and that the abuse will continue — or even escalate because the abuser will want to retaliate.

There are, however, solutions to all of these objections, and a qualified attorney can help address them in each particular situation.

If you or someone you know has experienced or is experiencing intimate partner violence and need the help of divorce attorneys, child custody lawyers, or other legal advice, there is no time to waste. Tell someone you trust — no matter how long it’s been since you last spoke — about your situation, and then call RandS Law Group. Our qualified, compassionate family law attorneys can help you pursue the justice that you deserve.